REDPATH TRAFFIC FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Our new single “Dundas Square” is available now for streaming! STREAM NOW! LISTEN TO MUSIC WATCH VIDEOS BUY MERCH THE BAND AS HEARD ON: redpathtraffic The Official Instagram home of Canadian band Redpath Traffic. Our lead singer and guitarist @richard_todd_music “Can’t Buy Me Love” performed by Redpath Tra What does our singer/guitarist Richard do on his b It’s today and going to be a lot of fun! Our awesome bass player Mike Taylor and amazing dr Expect to see this poster around a lot of GTA venu But we’re a Canadian band! What gives, TikTok? What do musicians do on Sundays? Visit one of thei We couldn't find guitar-shaped fireworks, but thes Redpath Traffic is officially on Bandcamp! Please Here we are playing The Stray Cats’ “Rock This Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Redpath Tr Bringing classic rock, some originals, and a few C A taste of our version of “Flip Flop Fly”, per A taste of our band playing Grand Funk Railroad’ The band doin’ what they do! A snippet of Redpath Traffic performing “Hey Mon Follow Redpath Traffic on Instagram